Who will pay my pension someday...?
Information event on pension rights for Internationally Mobile Researchers.
PhD Funding through the TUM Graduate School
STIBET Program of the DAAD // Internationalization voucher of the TUM-GS
Biomedical Applications for Cancer Treatment
April 23rd, 2015 I 04.00-06.00pm I Klinikum rechts der Isar I Pavillon Lecture Hall
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GSISH Events
The Graduate School of Information Science in Health organizes a wide range of academic and social events. With our academic events we aim to enhance the intellectual engagement among our doctoral candidates and faculty, and inform the broader community of educators and scholars, civic and business leaders.
Besides that we believe that it is an essential graduate capability to be able to have a life outside lecture halls and labs. Not only will our numerous social events guarantee a whole lot of fun, but they also promote the forming and strengthening of collaboration and friendships. Furthermore our doctoral candidates can choose from a variety of courses offered by TUM, its further education centers and by our national and international partner institutions.
Academic Events I Social Events I Other Events
Academic Events
Biomedical Applications for Cancer Treatment
April 23rd, 2015 I 04.00-06.00pm
Klinikum rechts der Isar I Pavillon Lecture Hall
04:00 - 05:00pm
Best of Both Worlds: Converging Engineering/Physical Sciences with Life Sciences for Biomedical Applications
Larry A. Nagahara, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Cancer Biology, National Cancer Institute, USA
05:00 - 05:30pm
Temperature Monitoring in MR-Guided Thermotherapy
Dr. Silke Lechner-Greite
GE Global Research Europe
05:30 - 06:00pm
Panel Discussion: Future of Cancer Treatment
Joined by Dr. Tobias Maurer
Urologische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TUM
Followed by coffee and light refreshments.
Registration and Further Information
Please register for this event at bioengineering(at)
The event is organized by TUM Bioengineering together with IEEE EMBS Student Chapter Munich.
***You are interested in meeting with Larry A. Nagahara already before April 23rd, 2015?***
Then join us for an interactive session on April 22nd, 2015 from 05.00-06.00pm at the IMETUM Seminar Room (1.211) / Boltzmannstr. 11 / 85748 Garching.
Please register for this session at bioengineering(at) as well. Thank you!
We are already looking forward to welcoming you for this event!
TUM Graduate School Kick-Off Seminar
Exchange - networking - transferable skills training: Several times a year the Kick-Off Seminars offer doctorates the opportunity to break the boundaries of their faculties and get to know one another. The themed seminars offer a variety of relevant transferable skills courses which all complement the qualification program of the TUM Graduate School.
For more information please visit:
TUM Graduate School - Kick Off Seminar
Social Events
Further information will follow soon.