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24.03.15 08:30

Who will pay my pension someday...?

Information event on pension rights for Internationally Mobile Researchers.

23.03.15 17:14

PhD Funding through the TUM Graduate School

STIBET Program of the DAAD // Internationalization voucher of the TUM-GS

20.03.15 16:23

Biomedical Applications for Cancer Treatment

April 23rd, 2015 I 04.00-06.00pm I Klinikum rechts der Isar I Pavillon Lecture Hall


August 2015


Other Events

Who will pay my pension someday...?

Invitation: The German Pension Landscape
Information event on pension rights for Internationally Mobile Researchers

MUNICH WELCOME! invites all international researchers of TUM and MPG to join their 4th “Meet the Expert” information event on Thursday, 16th April 2015 from 4.00 pm to approximately 8.00 pm at Technische Universität München, Arcisstrasse 21, 80333 München; Room: Vorhoelzer Forum (5th floor).

The information session will deal with the complex and increasingly important topic of the German statutory pension system (Deutsche Rentenversicherung DRV) and occupational pension scheme for the public sector, provided by the Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder (VBL).

Our information session aims to answer the following questions:
• Do I qualify for a pension in Germany?
• What pension benefits can I expect?
• Will I still be entitled to collect a pension from Germany once I leave the country?
• If I do not qualify for a pension, how can I have my contributions reimbursed?
• What do I need to do in order to collect my pension on retirement?

Expert talks
The DRV and the VBL will be on site with their experts to represent the German pension landscape. In addition, you will be introduced to the information portal This website portrays the various pension providers within the
different European countries.

Individual consultations
After the event and additionally on Friday, 17th April 2015, short individual consultations with the DRV and the VBL are offered (15-20 min).

Please register by Friday, 27th March 2015 via e-mail to for the event as well as for the individual appointments, which will be assigned on a first come, first served basis*.

*If you register for a consultation, please provide your name, your affiliation/institution (TUM or MPG), your nationality, the duration of your stay and your German social insurance number to allow the experts to prepare for your consultation. Please bring your passport to identify yourself (matter of data privacy) as well.

Lab Course BioInnovation: Identify unmet clinical needs and develop innovative solutions!

Are you excited about medical technology?
Work a full semester on great solutions for clinical challenges and develop first prototypes
• Find needs by conducting field studies and observation trips in hospitals
• Get to know methods and tools to identify, screen and select unmet clinical needs
• Create and develop your own projects
• Work in interdisciplinary teams
• Benefit from clinical and industry’s experts and coaches who support your project

Apply now!
• Students from all departments can apply
• You should have basic knowledge and understanding of medical technology and be interested in innovation
• Credit in your study program: computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, medicine, school of management

Application for Summer Semester 2015
• CV
• Up to date score sheet
• Brief letter of motivation (10 lines max.) to

For further information please click here.


Workshop doublet: Project and Quality Management for Biotech

Dr. Grote-Westrick who held already excellent evaluated workshops (Project Management in Biopharma Industry / Biotech Quality Management) several times in the Chemistry Faculty Graduate Center has a special offer: both workshops will be held together on two days.

The Project Management seminar is scheduled for Friday, April 10th 2015 (9am - 6 pm) and the Quality Management Course for Saturday, April 11th 2015 (9am - 5pm). Both will be held in the Chemistry Building in Garching - lecture hall CH26410. Doctorate Candidates of all Graduate Centers who are interested in both or only in one course should contact the Chemistry Faculty Graduate Center.

Please apply via email with the subject "Bioworkshops FGCH" to the mail address fgz.chemie(at) - write which course you want to join or if you attend both courses.

More informations about the courses:
Project Management in Biopharma Industry - Short description / flyer / schedule
Biotech Quality Management - Short description / flyer with schedule

More information about the speaker: Introduction / Lead article by Dr. Grote-Westrick about the topic career transition into biotech industry (German) or on Dr.Grote-Westrick's webpage:


Optimal Control Meets Medical Imaging Sciences: Applications, Formulations and Fast Solvers

Workshop-Series IMETUM Lecture

March 5, 2015 I 02.00-03.30pm
Institute of Medical Engineering (IMETUM) I Lecture Hall E.126

Invited speaker: Dr. Andreas Mang I University of Texas at Austin, USA

Abstract: My current work focuses on computational inverse problems governed by systems of partial differential equations (PDEs). In particular, I am interested in the development and implementation of efficient algorithms for the solution of large-scale control problems with PDEs as state equations. We will review two applications. The first part of the talk will focus on the calibration of a model of brain tumor growth with respect to medical imaging data. The ultimate goal of this work is to provide a systematic way to aid clinical decision-making by means of patient specific model predictions. The key difficulties of our formulation are a computationally expensive parameter-to-observation map as well as uncertainties about the observation. We will discuss approaches to tackle these challenges and showcase results for synthetic and real world problems. In the second part of this talk we will discuss an efficient black box solver for constrained diffeomorphic image registration. In our formulation, the deformation map is represented by its velocity. We will discuss different regularization schemes. We will see that the as- sociated optimality conditions are a system of space-time non-linear multi-component PDEs that is challenging to solve in an efficient way. We will experimentally assess numerical accuracy, computational efficiency and deformation regularity of our scheme. This is joint work with Amir Gholaminejad and George Biros.

TUM host of this Lecture Series is Prof. Björn Menze / Assistant Professor in Computer Science.

ICRA full-day workshop: Dynamic Locomotion and Balancing of Humanoid Robots

Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2015.

The scientific and technological topics of the workshop are summarized as follows:

1.     Humanoid balance control and push recovery
2.     Locomotion in unstructured terrains
3.     Adaptive/Reactive bipedal gait generators
4.     Impedance regulation in locomotion
5.     Compliant and torque control based locomotion
6.     Gait reflexive behaviours
7.     Human inspired locomotion gaits
8.     Adaptive path and footstep planning
9.     Passive and under-actuated locomotion
10.   Affordances for locomotion and balance control

The details of the program can be found here:

If your research is related to one of these topics, you are encouraged to participate or present your results with an abstract of 2-4 pages that describes your research. All abstracts will go through a review process.

Abstracts Submission:
Abstract in 1 pages IEEE style.
Selected contributions will be presented in as a poster during the workshop. Young scientists and researchers are particularly welcome.

Live Demo Submission
Researchers from passive dynamic walking fields are encouraged to submit
1 page proposals for live demonstrations of their passive dynamic walkers.


Submissions shall be sent to [at]

Weekly IMETUM Seminar

February 26th, 2015 / 12.15pm
IMETUM Lecture Hall E.126

The IMETUM seminar on Thursday, February 26th, is held by Kai Scherer (Pfeiffer Group) on “X-Ray Dark-Field Imaging for Medical Applications”.

The seminar starts at 12.15pm at the IMETUM Lecture Hall E.126, Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching.

We are looking forward to a large audience for this week´s speaker!


Workshop for Early Career Investigators in Medical Technology and Medical Physics

24.8. - 28.8.2015
Charité Berlin,
CCM Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

From Cell to Tomography: On the Biophysical Foundations of Medical Imaging 

The 7th DFG Workshop for Early Career Investigators in Medical Technology and Medical Physics is dedicated to imaging-based quantification of biophysical properties of living tissues. This workshop is addressed to junior researchers in medical imaging and biophysics. The workshop will focus on how microscopic tissue properties affect macroscopic contrast on different medical imaging modalities. In a series of lectures, practical trainings and laboratory tours the participants will become familiar with different interdisciplinary viewpoints on the seminal research field of quantitative and biophysically based radiological imaging.

The workshop covers fundamental tissue properties such as elasticity of cells, perfusion, diffusion, flow and tissue motion, magnetic susceptibility and mechanical matrix interactions. State-of-the-art imaging modalities like MRI, sonography and CT are considered along with innovative technologies which are still explored in their preclinical phase but are deemed to have considerable potential for future clinical applications such as magnetic particle imaging (MPI).

The workshop is organized in two parts: during the first three days, a colourful schedule of keynote lectures, talks and lab tours provides the scientific framework for discussions on various aspects of quantitative medical imaging. In the second part, the participating young scientists will receive information on funding opportunities and preparation of a DFG proposal for pursuing their own scientific projects. Project ideas will be presented and discussed on the last day.

To participate in the Workshop for Early Career Investigators, interested scientists are required to submit a short project outline in Biophysics of Medical Imaging.

For more information please click here.

Start-up Evening at the TUM 26.02.2015

Starting your own company can be an attractive career option. UnternehmerTUM's Start-up Evenings offer you the opportunity to hear what alumni from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have to say about their successful business launches. They report on their experiences and offer tips and encouragement for others considering starting out on their own business ventures.
Representatives from UnternehmerTUM and the TUM will be on hand to provide information about support opportunities as well as concrete offers of assistance.
Taking place in a different TUM faculty each time, these regular events encourage and support those wanting to start their own businesses and shape the future in their own way.
The meetings are specially designed to attract scientists, students and alumni of the TUM who are interested in setting up their own businesses.
The next Start-up evening will take place on Thursday, February 26th 2015 at 6 p.m. at Seminarraum 2250, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Boltzmannstraße 15, 85748 Garching.
Please register here.

The first Winter School on Soft and Variable Stiffness Robotics

The first Winter School on Soft and Variable Stiffness Robotics will be held in Rome on February 20-25, 2015. The school, sponsored by SAPHARI and the Natural Machine Motion
Initiative (NMMI), will feature classes on the basics of Soft Robotics
design and control, and will allow extensive hands-on sessions on
physical variable-stiffness robots.

Registration is free for the whole event. Because of the hands-on nature
of the school, the number of attendees will be limited. A selection will
be made on the basis of the CV and motivations of applicants.

Applications must be received before February 1, 2015 through the web form!winter-school/c6wk

The school's climax will be a final competition among student teams on a
challenging task to be performed by a soft robot, demonstrating
performance superior to rigid robots.

The winning team will be awarded with a /qbmate/, the 12 D.o.F variable
stiffness humanoid torso produced by /qbrobotics/ according to the
Natural Machine Motion Initiative open-hardware design.

The school will be held at the Auditorium Antonianum
( within walking distance from
the Ancient Rome's Forum and Colosseum. At the Antonianum, a cafeteria
is available with convenient prices for warm lunches.

You can find more information here.


The 11th Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery

The Conference will be in Singapore on 9-11 July 2015.
Computer Aided Surgery is an interdisciplinary field. The Asian Conference on
Computer Aided Surgery series (ACCAS) is designed to provide a venue in Asia
for academic researchers, clinical scientists, roboticists, surgeons and i
ndustrial partners to exchange new ideas as well as the latest development in
the field. ACCAS is also interested to promote collaborations in the field
for people from different countries, and different disciplines.

The 1st Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery was held in Japan in 2005.
The 2nd conference was held in conjunction with the 2006 World Congress of M
edical Physics and Bio-engineering in Korea. The 3rd Asian Conference on Com
puter Aided Surgery was held in Singapore on Dec 1-2, 2007.

You can find more information here.