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24.03.15 08:30

Who will pay my pension someday...?

Information event on pension rights for Internationally Mobile Researchers.

23.03.15 17:14

PhD Funding through the TUM Graduate School

STIBET Program of the DAAD // Internationalization voucher of the TUM-GS

20.03.15 16:23

Biomedical Applications for Cancer Treatment

April 23rd, 2015 I 04.00-06.00pm I Klinikum rechts der Isar I Pavillon Lecture Hall


December 2014


Our Alumni

Dr. rer. nat. Cana Selen Atasoy

Doctoral-Project: Automatic Tissue Recognition for Targeted Optical Biopsy in Cancer Surveillance

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Bauer
Doctoral-Project: Rigid and Non-Rigid Surface Registration for Range Imaging Applications in Medicine

Dr. rer. nat. Benedikt Baumgartner
Doctoral-Project: Automation of a Portable Heart-Lung Machine and Patient Monitoring with Data Mining Methods

André Dias, PhD in Computer Science
Doctoral-Project: Associations of pulmonary parameters with accelerometer data. Focusing on Cystic Fibrosis and COPD.

Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Gaaß
Doctoral-Project: Acceleration of radial data acquisition in medical imaging via iterative histogram constrained reconstruction

Dr. rer. nat. Lukas Gorzelniak
Doctoral-Project: Towards a methodology for improving the comparability of accelerometer-based results for physical activity measurements in older adults

Dr. rer. nat. Mara Lena Hartsperger
Doctoral-Project: Quantitative Analysis of Systems-Biological Networks

Dr. rer. nat. Nuria Hirsch
Doctoral-Project: BOLD-based Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Hypoxia in the Human Brain -Adaptation of Measurement and Data Analysis Strategies for Clinical Requirements-

Dr.-Ing. Kurt Höller
Doctoral-Project: Novel Techniques for Spatial Orientation in Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES)

Dr. rer. nat. Oleksandr Khegai
Doctoral-Project: Quantification methods for time-resolved metabolic magnetic resonance imaging using hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate

Dr. rer. nat. Anja Kretschmer
Doctoral-Project: Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in the atopic eczema associated RAD50-locus

Dr. rer. nat. Gregor Lamla
Doctoral-Project: Identity Management in Distributed Environments in Support of Translational Medical Research

Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Lasser
Doctoral-Project: Tomographic Reconstruction Methods for Optical and Intra-operative Functional Imaging

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Oancea
Doctoral-Project: Optoacoustic System and Method for Mesoscopic Imaging

Dr. rer. nat. Fabian Prasser
Doctoral-Project: Incremental Ontology-Based Integration for Translational Medical Research"

Dr. rer. net. Tobias Reichl
Doctoral Project: Advanced Hybrid Tracking and Navigation for Computer-Assisted Interventions

Dr. rer. net. Christine Rümenapp
Doctoral Project: Magnetic Resonance with Magnetic Nanoparticles - Fabrication and Characterisation

Dr. rer. nat. Christian Schäfer
Doctoral Project: Predicting the structural effect of point mutations

Dr. rer. nat. Dominik Schmelcher
Doctoral Project: Integrationskonzepte und -lösungen zur Etablierung einer Forschungsinfrastruktur für Biobanken

Dr. rer. nat. Dzhoshkun I. Shakir
Doctoral Project: Intra-operative Nuclear Imaging Based on Positron-emitting Radiotracers

Dr. rer. nat. Baiba Vilne
Doctoral-Project: Regulatory networks of hematopoietic stem cells and their microenvironment

Dr. rer. nat. Anna Nicole Vogler
Doctoral-Project: Automated Blood-Pressure Regulation in Intensive Care Patients after Cardiac Surgery Based on Fuzzy Control

Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Wendler
Doctoral-Project: 3D intraoperative imaging with navigated nuclear probes

Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Wurst
Doctoral-Project: Incremental Dataspace Integration in Medicine