Who will pay my pension someday...?
Information event on pension rights for Internationally Mobile Researchers.
PhD Funding through the TUM Graduate School
STIBET Program of the DAAD // Internationalization voucher of the TUM-GS
Biomedical Applications for Cancer Treatment
April 23rd, 2015 I 04.00-06.00pm I Klinikum rechts der Isar I Pavillon Lecture Hall
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Maria Esmeralda Vicedo Jover, Dipl.-Biol.
Associated member of GSISH
Contact Details
Department for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - I12
Fakultät für Informatik
TU München
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching
Phone: +49 (0)89.289.17813
Fax: +49 (0)89.289.19414
Project Details
Disease Prediction Using Protein Disorders
Prof. Dr. Burkhard Rost
Start of PhD-work at GSISH:
May 2011
Project Description:
Unstructured proteins (intrinsically disordered proteins and intrinsically disordered regions) lack stable tertiary and/or secondary structure in physiological conditions yer fulfills a biological function. Several disordered proteins were shwon to be associated with human diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and other. The aim of this project is to predict human diseases based on the disordered proteins.
Markus Schmidberger, Esmeralda Vicedo und Ulrich Mansmann: affyPara - a Bioconductor Package for Parallelized Preprocessing Algorithms of Affymetrix Microarray Data, 2009, Libertas, Academica,
Manuel J. A. Eugster, Jochen Knaus, Christine Porzelius, Markus Schmidberger, and Esmeralda Vicedo: Hands-on tutorial for parallel computing with R, Computational Statistics, 26:219-239, 2011.
Markus Schmidberger, Esmeralda Vicedo, Ulrich Mansmann: Simulation Study for the Agreement between Statistical Methods in Quality Assessment and Control of Microarray Data, Computational Statistics, 2009.
Schlessinger A., Schaefer C., Vicedo E., Schmiedberger M., Punta M., Rost B.: Protein disorder breakthrough invention of evolution?, Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 2011.