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PhD Funding through the TUM Graduate School
STIBET Program of the DAAD // Internationalization voucher of the TUM-GS
Biomedical Applications for Cancer Treatment
April 23rd, 2015 I 04.00-06.00pm I Klinikum rechts der Isar I Pavillon Lecture Hall
Martin Eder, Dipl.-Ing.

Associated member of GSISH
Contact Details
Department for Robotics and Embedded Systems
Institute of Informatics
TU München
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching
Phone: +49 (0)89.289.18140
Fax: +49 (0)89.289.18107
Project Details
Robot-assisted microscopic manipulation for vitreo-retinal ophthalmologic surgery
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alois Knoll
Prof. Dr. Dr. Chris P. Lohmann
Start of PhD-work at GSISH:
June 2010
Project Description:
The project aims towards research and development of an innovative robotic assistance device for vitreo-retinal surgery. Eye surgeons around the world have to deal with every day scenarios demanding high-precision manipulation of surgical devices. The manipulation accuracy can be in the scale of microns which is very difficult to achieve even by the most trained and experienced surgeon.
Till date a few robotic devices exist to assist surgeons in such high-precision tasks. However, these devices have some limitations in terms of usability respectively integration and are not yet widely used. We propose an innovative robotic device towards overcoming the current limitations. Main focus will be the development, control and evaluation of this apparatus such that inadequateness of prevalent devices and methods can be improved, the delicate technique of vitreo-retinal surgery can be facilitated, the risk of complications reduced and new perspectives for novel therapeutic strategies may become feasible.
Martin Eder, Maximilian Karl, Alois Knoll, and Stefan Riesner.
Continuum worm-like robotic mechanism with decentral control architecture. In Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2014), IEEE International Conference on, August 2014
M.A. Nasseri, P. Gschirr, D. Eberts, M. Eder, S. Nair, K. Kobuch, M. Maier, D. Zapp, C.P. Lohmann, and A. Knoll.
Virtual fixture control of a hybrid parallel-serial robot for assisting ophthalmic surgery: an experimental study. In Proceeding of: 5th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (Biorob), August 2014
Martin Eder, Maximilian Karl, Felix Schultheiß, Johannes Schürmann, Alois Knoll, and Stefan Riesner.
Design of an inherently safe worm-like robot. In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Safety Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2013). IEEE Press, October 2013
Martin Eder, Maximilian Karl, Alois Knoll, Stefan Riesner:
Compliant Worm-like Robotic Mechanism with decentrally controlled Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE First International Conference on Innovative Engineering Systems, pages 263-268, Dec. 2012.
M. Ali Nasseri, Emmanuel Dean-Leon, Suraj Nair, Martin Eder, Mathias Maier, C. P. Lohmann, and Alois Knoll. Clinical motion tracking and motion analysis during ophthalmic surgery using electromagnetic tracking system. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2012), pages 1006-1010. IEEE Press, October 2012.
Michael Marszalek, Martin Eder, Andreas Tropschug, Alois Knoll, Hagen Hoefer:
"Nena 1.0: Novel extended nuclear application for the safekeeping of contamination-free environments"
Transactions on systems and control, volume 5, pages 123-132. WSEAS, Feb. 2010
Martin Eder and Alois Knoll:
"Design of an experimental platform for an x-by-wire car with four-wheel steering"
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. IEEE Press, pages 656-661, August 2010.
Michael Marszalek, Martin Eder, Andreas Tropschug, Alois Knoll, Hagen Hoefer:
"Mobile robots for the simultaneous exploration and 2D determination of radioactivity"
Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control and Signal Processing. WSEAS, Dec. 2009.
Suraj Nair, M. Ali. Nasseri, Martin Eder, Chris P. Lohmann, and Alois Knoll.
"Embedded middleware and hard real-time based architecture for robto assisted ophthalmic surgery". The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, London, UK, June 2013.
M. Ali Nasseri, Martin Eder, Suraj Nair, Emmanuel Dean-Leon, Daniel Zapp, Mathias Maier, C. P. Lohmann, and Alois Knoll.
“The introduction of a new robot for assistance in ophthalmic surgery”
In 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC´13). IEEE Press, July 2013.
M. Ali Nasseri, Martin Eder, Emmanuel Dean-Leon, Suraj Nair, Mathias Maier, Daniel Zapp, C. P. Lohmann, and Alois Knoll.
"Kinematics and dynamics analysis of a hybrid parallel-serial micromanipulator designed for biomedical applications"
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2013). IEEE Press, July 2013. accepted.
Personal Details:
For Curriculum Vitae of Martin Eder please click here.