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24.03.15 08:30

Who will pay my pension someday...?

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PhD Funding through the TUM Graduate School

STIBET Program of the DAAD // Internationalization voucher of the TUM-GS

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Biomedical Applications for Cancer Treatment

April 23rd, 2015 I 04.00-06.00pm I Klinikum rechts der Isar I Pavillon Lecture Hall


December 2014




We invite students with a master's degree (or its equivalent) in computer science, engineering, biophysics, bioinformatics, chemistry as well as students with a medical degree to apply for our PhD positions. Admission for a doctorate at TUM-GSISH involves the following steps:

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STEP1  I  Application at TUM-GSISH

The first step towards a doctorate is establishing and specifying your research topic. You can either come up with your own research idea or you can develop one with your supervisor. After you found a supervisor and a mentor (at GSISH you need one supervisor and one mentor, each coming from different disciplines) as well as financial support for your project (either paid by the chair or third party funded), please contact the GSISH Managing Director directly with your documents summarized in one pdf file (Cover Letter, CV, Proof of English Language, Copy of Master or Diploma degree, statement of TUM supervisor and mentor for doing your doctorate).

STEP2  I  Sign supervision agreement

After clearing the membership possibility with TUM-GSISH you need to sign a supervision agreement with your supervisor, mentor and the TUM-GSISH and hand in an expĆ³se (see annex 1 of supervision agreement) to the TUM-GSISH Management Team.

STEP3  I  Application for entry into TUM Doctoral List (DocGS)

The application to the doctoral list is done electronically and centrally through the online platform DocGS. During the electronical application process you are asked to upload a filled out and signed supervision agreement (see step 2). Please follow the link and the described further steps at the DocGS website.

STEP4  I  Enrollment

When the online application is finished, please print the information, sign the printed document and take it together with the supervision agreement to the deanery of your "Home" Department. Your submitted documents will now be checked. If you hold a foreign master degree, the nostrification process will be started. After successful completion, you will receive an Email confirming your acceptance for the TUM Graduate School. You are now on TUM's list of doctoral candidates. You might download the admission letter from the application portal. 

STEP5  I  Sign your contract with GSISH

Congratulations - you almost did it! After you received your admission letter from the
application portal you can now get in contact with the GSISH Management Team
again to set up a date for signing your GSISH contract.