Who will pay my pension someday...?
Information event on pension rights for Internationally Mobile Researchers.
PhD Funding through the TUM Graduate School
STIBET Program of the DAAD // Internationalization voucher of the TUM-GS
Biomedical Applications for Cancer Treatment
April 23rd, 2015 I 04.00-06.00pm I Klinikum rechts der Isar I Pavillon Lecture Hall
Our Graduate School provides each student with an individual curriculum to address the diverse background of the research projects available. In general, our curriculum includes courses, seminars, collaborative and independent work in the following three modules:
a) Interdisciplinary and Scientific Skills Training
b) International & Industry Exchange
c) Transferable Skills Training
Each module provides individual options out of which GSISH candidates can choose offers wich best contribute to their needs. Out of these modules GSISH provides a tailor-made PhD curriculum for every individual doctoral candidate. GSISH doctoral candidates will collect 40 Credit Points during their studies.
Within the Ph.D. supervision agreement, an individual training plan is drawn up by the graduate student and his/her supervisors/mentors at the beginning of the doctoral project. The plan specifies the courses, seminars and projects, including the international and industrial exchange, to be taken from each of the modules A through C.
Our doctoral students can choose from a variety of courses offered by TUM, its further education centers and by our national and international partner institutions.
Adjustments to this plan can be made at the annual or semi-annual status meetings of the PhD candidate and his/her mentors