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24.03.15 08:30

Who will pay my pension someday...?

Information event on pension rights for Internationally Mobile Researchers.

23.03.15 17:14

PhD Funding through the TUM Graduate School

STIBET Program of the DAAD // Internationalization voucher of the TUM-GS

20.03.15 16:23

Biomedical Applications for Cancer Treatment

April 23rd, 2015 I 04.00-06.00pm I Klinikum rechts der Isar I Pavillon Lecture Hall


October 2014


Doctoral Candidates


The Graduate School of Information Science in Health is home to the following groups of doctoral candidates:

  • scholarship holders financed by the GSISH
  • doctoral candidates integrated into one of the GSISH project groups
  • associated doctoral candidates such as co-workers in research projects or researchers with individual grants conducting research relevant to GSISH

Besides its doctoral candidates the Graduate School of Information Science in Health is also home to Bachelor and Master Students.

Meet our Alumni here.

The following doctoral candidates are currently members of GSISH:

A - C    I    D - F    I    G - I    I    J - L    I    M - O    I    P - R    I    S - U    I    V - Z



A - C

Alberts, Esther, M.Sc.
Project: Brain tumor segmentation and characterisation

Baurecht, Hansjörg, M.Sc. Statistik
Project: Development of a statistical method to identify pleiotropic loci for atopic eczema and psoriasis using GWAS data

Bustin, Aurélien, M.Sc.
Project: Development of acquisition and reconstruction techniques
in free breathing and 3D, combining several contrasts
for quantified cardiac MRI

Chen, Chen, M.Sc. Media Inf.
Project: Physiological telemonitoring of chronically ill patients with mobile multimodal biosensor measurements


Cömert, Suat, M.Sc.
Project: Mechanisms for a continuum-robot type motion of a catheter or guidewire

D - F

Duliu, Alexandru Octavian, Dipl.-Inf.
Project: 3D multispectral reconstruction and visualization for skin
cancer detection

Eder, Martin, Dipl.-Ing.
Project: Robot-assisted microscopic manipulation for vitreous retinal ophthalmologic surgery

Fürst, Sebastian, Dipl.-Phys.
Project: Reducing Motion and Attenuation Artefacts in Hybrid MR-PET Imaging


G - I

Gardiazabal Schilling, José, Dipl.-Ing.
Project: Navigated gamma probes for tomographic reconstruction

Gómez Damián, Pedro Agustín, M.Sc.
Project: Accelerated MR acquisition schemes for quantitative axonal and non-axonal metrics

Golkov, Vladimir, M.Sc.
Project: Denoising of Diffusion MRI Data Using Prior Knowledge

Graf, Eva, Dipl.-Ing.
Project: HealthcareRobotics (HeRo)

Haase, Sven Michael, Dipl. inform. med.
Project: Time-of-Flight for 3D Endoscopy and Open Surgery

Hafalir, Fatih Süleyman, M.Sc.
Project: Phase Contrast MRI for the Application of Cardiovascular Flow Measurement

Hartl, Alexander, Dipl.-Inf.
Project: Computational modeling of detection physics for
3D intraoperative imaging with navigated nuclear probes

Hundshammer, Christian, M.Sc.
Project: Multinuclear NMR-Spectroscopy applied on a PET/MR System

J - L

Kohlmayer, Florian, Dipl.-Inf.
Project: Pseudonymity in Translational Research

Kubala, Eugen, MSc Mgr.
Project: 13C Metabolic Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Hyperpolarized 13C-labelled Metabolites


Kuschan, Marika, Dipl.-Phys.
Project: Motion Compensation in MRI and MRI-PET

Lautenschläger, Ronald, M.Sc.
Project: Pseudonymity in Translational Research

Li, Rui, M.Sc.
Project: Data Mining and Machine Learning Methods for High-dimensional Patient Data in Dementia Research: Voxel Features Mining, Subgroup Discovery and Multi-view Learning


Liu, Shufang, M.Sc.
Project: Modeling of cardiac motion patterns by reconstruction of temporal dynamic deformation sequences

Liu, Xin, M.Sc.
Project: Development of silent diffusion MR acquisition schemes with reduced distortion

Löb, Rebekka, Dipl.-Math.
Project: Dynamic Reconstruction from Simultaneously Acquired PET/MR Data

M - O

Malekzadeh Najafabadi, Jaber, M.Sc.
Project: Development of combined ultrasound-optoacoustic endoscope and external probe for clinical applications

Mandal, Subhamoy, B.E., M.S.
Project: Visual Quality Enhancement in Optoacoustic Imaging

Molina Romero, Miguel, M.Sc.
Project: Assessment of molecular dynamics in brain tissue through accelerated diffusion and exchange

Muhammad, Marwan, M.Sc.
Project: Investigation of hyprid ultrasound - optoacoustic imaging

Nasseri, M. Ali, M.Sc.
Project: Robot-assisted microscopic manipulation for vitreous retinal ophthalmologic surgery

P - R

Queirós, Daniel, Dipl.-Tech. Math. Univ.
Project: Fast semi-analytical acoustic inversion for quantitative
optoacoustic tomography

Rincón Domínguez, Teresa, M.Sc.
Project: Development of improved image quality acquisition and reconstruction techniques integrating motion controlled B0, B1 and gradient linearity correction

S - U

Scholz, Johannes, Dipl.-Biophys.
Project: Quantitative pH-detection in vivo via 13C magnetic resonance

Seyyedi, Saeed, M.Sc.
Project: Model-based iterative reconstruction algorithms for X-ray tensor tomography

Shah, Amitkumar, M.Tech.
Project: Tracking and Navigation in Intraoperative Imaging

Sharma, Yash, M.Sc.
Project: Sparse acquisition geometry for X-ray Tensor Tomography

Sprenger, Tim, Dipl.-Phys.
Project: Advanced diffusion MR Methods to study human brain

Thaler-Kall, Kathrin, Dipl.-tech.Math.
Project: Risk of falls in elderly: the role of gait, physical activity,
balance and anemia


V - Z

Vicedo Jover, Maria Esmeralda, Dipl.-Biol.
Project: Disease Prediction Using Protein Disorders

Willner, Marian Sebastian, Dipl.-Phys. Univ.
Project: Development of a system for X-ray phase contrast imaging

Wolf, Johannes, Dipl.-Ing.
Project: Modeling of X-Ray Phase-Contrast Mammography

Wu, Mingming, M.Sc.
Project: MR Thermometry Applications of MR Image Guided Therapy

Wucherer, Patrick, Dipl.-Inf.
Project: Simulator for multidisciplinary medical team training

Wunner, Felix, Dipl.-Ing.
Project: Development of a holistic additive-manufacturing technology Plattform for Melt Electrospinning

Yigitsoy, Mehmet, M.Sc.
Project: Analysis and Visualization of Colon Motility


Zettinig, Oliver, M.Sc.
Project: Advanced Ultrasound Imaging Techniques for Computer Assisted Interventions


Bachelor- and Masterstudents

At the moment GSISH is not hosting any Bachelor or Master Students.