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24.03.15 08:30

Who will pay my pension someday...?

Information event on pension rights for Internationally Mobile Researchers.

23.03.15 17:14

PhD Funding through the TUM Graduate School

STIBET Program of the DAAD // Internationalization voucher of the TUM-GS

20.03.15 16:23

Biomedical Applications for Cancer Treatment

April 23rd, 2015 I 04.00-06.00pm I Klinikum rechts der Isar I Pavillon Lecture Hall


June 2015


Past GSISH Academic Events

15th Bioinformatics Spring School
“Personalized Medicine and Bioinformatics”

March 21 - March 23, 2015
Bertinoro, Italy

This year, lectures will focus around the bioinformatics of “Personalized Medicine”. The course aims for a compact but deep introduction into main computational approaches to research fields related to Personalized Medicine such as genetics, transcriptomics, information processing, and network analysis with emphasis on data analysis and exploration. Faculty members are experienced experts and will present tutorials and demonstrate how bioinformatics enables biologists to better understand disease mechanisms based on individual etiology from disposition to mechanisms to diagnostic markers. The intended audience addresses molecular biologists and medical researchers with interest in aspects of computational data analysis from concepts to applications. A brief introduction to the subject as well as the profiles of the faculty members and the preliminary title of their talks is provided in the attached flyer. The Bioinformatics Spring School is supported by the HELENA, the Helmholtz München Graduate School.

You can register at the IBIS office ( The number of participants is limited to 30. A bus will leave on the 21st in the morning from Neuherberg and return on the 25th (estimated arrival 21:30). See also the information on our website (

For further information please click here.

This year, lectures will focus around the bioinformatics of “Personalized Medicine”. The course aims for a compact but deep introduction into main computational approaches to research fields related to Personalized Medicine such as genetics, transcriptomics, information processing, and network analysis with emphasis on data analysis and exploration. Faculty members are experienced experts and will present tutorials and demonstrate how bioinformatics enables biologists to better understand disease mechanisms based on individual etiology from disposition to mechanisms to diagnostic markers. The intended audience addresses molecular biologists and medical researchers with interest in aspects of computational data analysis from concepts to applications. A brief introduction to the subject as well as the profiles of the faculty members and the preliminary title of their talks is provided in the attached flyer. The Bioinformatics Spring School is supported by the HELENA, the Helmholtz München Graduate School.

You can register at the IBIS office ( The number of participants is limited to 30. A bus will leave on the 21st in the morning from Neuherberg and return on the 25th (estimated arrival 21:30). See also the information on our website year, lectures will focus around the bioinformatics of “Personalized Medicine”. The course aims for a compact but deep introduction into main computational approaches to research fields related to Personalized Medicine such as genetics, transcriptomics, information processing, and network analysis with emphasis on data analysis and exploration. Faculty members are experienced experts and will present tutorials and demonstrate how bioinformatics enables biologists to better understand disease mechanisms based on individual etiology from disposition to mechanisms to diagnostic markers. The intended audience addresses molecular biologists and medical researchers with interest in aspects of computational data analysis from concepts to applications. A brief introduction to the subject as well as the profiles of the faculty members and the preliminary title of their talks is provided in the attached flyer. The Bioinformatics Spring School is supported by the HELENA, the Helmholtz München Graduate School.

You can register at the IBIS office ( The number of participants is limited to 30. A bus will leave on the 21st in the morning from Neuherberg and return on the 25th (estimated arrival 21:30). See also the information on our website

Molecular Neuroimaging with Bioengineering Probes

February 17, 2015 I 05.00-07.00pm
Klinikum rechts der Isar I Lecture Hall B

Molecular imaging offers great promise for noninvasive detection of molecular and cellular phenomena in theliving brain. Molecular imaging capabilities are greatly expanded by the use of bioengineered probes, whichprovide highly specific functionality for targeting and sensing molecules of biological interest.Here I describe efforts to dynamically map chemical processes in the brain for the first time using designerprotein-based MRI contrast agents. I also discuss bioengineering strategies for creating genetically encoded molecular imaging probes, as well as a new imaging concept in which the biology of the brain itself isengineered to report with high sensitivity on molecular-level events.

Please register for this event at gsish(at)

For further information please click here.

Workshop Series TUM Bioengineering:
Ionizing Radiation in Diagnostics and Therapy

October 20th, 2014 I 03.00-06.00pm
Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik (IMETUM)  I Lecture Hall (Hörsaal E.126)

The detection of X-rays and radioactivity about 120 years ago revolutionized science, engineering and mostly medicine. Within the series of TUM-Bioengineering Workshops this event demonstrates the ever ongoing spectacular development of various applications of ionizing radiation. A special focus is set on the use of ionizing radiation in medicine.

Generally, early diagnosis of any disease enables successful treatment. Hence, imaging is a core part of any diagnostic measure, and the improvement of spatial and contrast resolution in imaging has been always a major goal in the long history of developments based on ionizing radiation. Recently, some novel methods to image organ tissues, cellular and molecular structures have been created, such as phase contrast imaging. New approaches of nanoscale-imaging open up exciting routes in early cancer detection. In radioisotope imaging new instrumentation and biomarkers provide insight in the first steps of transforming normal into tumor cells. In cancer therapy it is the most challenging issue to localize the tumor in the body to ensure an effective treatment, either by surgery, radiotherapy or drugs, or any combination of them. One of the latest developments are the application of particle beams, mainly protons which are in clinical routine for several years. However, there are new perspectives and refinements, in particular by introducing image guidance. Most recently through application of novel biological concepts which allow characterization of single tumor cells significant progress in cancer treatment is expected.

Workshop Moderation:
Prof. Dr. Axel Haase and Prof. Dr. Fridtjof Nüsslin


15:00 Introduction and Welcome

         Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Axel Haase
         TUM Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik (IMETUM)

15:10 Innovations in Modern Radiooncology: Biology, Imaging and Therapy
         Prof. Dr. med. Stephanie E. Combs
         Klinik und Poliklinik für RadioOnkologie und Strahlentherapie,
         Klinikum rechts der Isar, TUM

15:30 Novel Fluorescence Imaging Reagents for Monitoring Outcome
         of Radiation Therapy – a Preclinical Model

         Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Multhoff
         Klinik und Poliklinik für RadioOnkologie und Strahlentherapie,
         Klinikum rechts der Isar, TUM

15:50 Strategies for Reducing Radiation Dose in CT
         Prof. Dr. med. Ernst J. Rummeny / Dr. Peter Noël
         Institut für diagnostische und interventionelle Radiologie,
         Klinikum rechts der Isar, TUM

16:20 Coffee Break

16:40  Wave-optical X-ray Imaging for Biomedical Research
          and Future Clinical Diagnostics

          Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Franz Pfeiffer
          Chair of Biomedical Physics, TUM

17:00 Motion Compensated CT Reconstruction
         Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Köhler
         Philips Technology GmbH / Hamburg, IAS Rudolf-Diesel Fellow

17:20 Positron Emission Tomography:
         Basics and State-of-the-Art Instrumentation

         Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sibylle I. Ziegler
         Nuklearmedizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TUM

17:50 Concluding Remarks

Organized together with:
Prof. Dr. Fridtjof Nüsslin and TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH).

Registration and Further Information:
Please register for this event at


Please join us for our TUM open house day at Garching
on Saturday, October 11th, 2014

This is your chance to experience research up close and personal. At our open house day on the Garching campus, more than 30 institutions invite visitors to join us for a comprehensive program of experiments, tours, presentations and lectures, providing fascinating insights into the world of science and research. We look forward to seeing you in Garching!

When and where?

When: October 11, 2014, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Where: Garching campus

Contact and directions to Garching campus

Garching Campus

The Garching campus is one of the most modern centers of research and education in Europe. The campus is the TUM’s largest site and is the university’s center for science and technology. Science in Garching

Open house 2013 at a glance

Website of the open house day:

This page lists all participating institutions with their individual programs. About five days before the event you can download the final programm of the open house day here.


Workshop: How to design a presentation that rocks!

October 9th, 2014 I 09:00am - 05:00pm and
October 10th, 2014 I 09:00am - 12:00pm

TUM Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik (IMETUM)
Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching
Seminar Room 1.211

To create professional presentations, it is not enough to be “fit in PowerPoint”. Rather, the development of a goal-oriented approach and the design of an appealing presentation are essential in order to attract the attention of your audience. Say NO to crappy slides! Whether you are speaking at the open house or to your scientific peers, this workshop can help you rock your audience.

Using numerous examples from practical experiences, during the workshop “How to design a presentation that rocks!” you will learn to accurately quantify the expectations of your audience, formulate your message clearly and build up your line of argumentation in a structured way (e.g. the Pyramid Principle).

Moreover, we will show you simple but effective tips & tricks you can use to design your slides in a way that they will be recognized immediately and also convince the audience by an attractive and clear structure.

The training “How to design a presentation that rocks!” is directed to TUM graduate students and employees who want to impress with sophisticated and attractive presentations. By the time you will hold your next presentation after this workshop, you will conjure up the fact that a ingenious storyline is not only important in fairytales, but also scientists want to be entertained.

Trainers: Dr. Petra Dorfner, Katharina Lang
Participation is free of charge for TUM members.

For registration please send a short presentation (10min talk) to gsish(at) until September 26th, 2014 at the latest.

POSTER (pdf version)

Download the documentation material for the crash course in Presentation Design and How to present. Material will be available for download until October 15th, 2014.

Networking for academics: Creating perspectives through contacts

The TUM Institute of Medical Engineering (IMETUM) together with the TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH) are hosting a workshop tailored to the needs of their doctoral candidates.
Herewith we cordially invite you to join us for the workshop with the title "Networking for academics: Creating perspectives through contacts".

Anna Royan-Weigelt, GOLIN Wissenschaftsmanagement, Hamburg

Date:     Tuesday, June 24th 2014 / 9.00am – 5.00pm
Venue:  IMETUM, Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching, Seminar Room 1.211

The workshop will be held in English. The costs for the workshop will be taken over by IMETUM and GSISH.
GSISH Members will receive credits for their participation in this workshop.
For an overview of the workshop program please click here.

For registration please send an e-mail to katharina.lang(at) until Wednesday, June 6th at the latest. Please make sure this e-mail includes your full name as well as your research discipline.

The seats are limited - first come, first served!


Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBS)

IEEE EMBS Student Chapter Munich Inaugural Session

Friday, June 6th, 2014 I 02:00 - 05:00pm
TUM Institute of Medical Engineering (IMETUM), Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching b. München  I  Lecture Hall E.126

IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society is an elite global society working in Biomedical Engineering field for decades. They publish peer reviewed
journals and organize the international conferences as well as form the technology standards.
We have newly formed a student chapter of the society in Munich to provide the platform for the students interested in Biomedical Engineering to come
together to discuss and learn new things. As our first event, we are organizing the inaugural session with distinguish talks and student poster session.
Join us in this exciting event.


02:00 Introduction and Welcome
         Dr. Benjamin Frisch
         Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
         Department of Computer Science, TUM

02:05 Overview of IEEE EMBS Student Chapter Munich
         Amit Shah
         Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
         Department of Computer Science, TUM

02:15 Computer Aided Medical Procedures
         Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab
         Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
         Department of Computer Science, TUM

02:45 Poster Session over Coffee Break

03:30 Making Sense of Biomedical Big Data:
         Integrated Biomedical and Health Informatics for Personalized Health

         Prof. Dr. May D. Wang
         Emory-Georgia Tech Cancer Nanotechnology Center
         Department of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Tech and Emory University,

04:30 Open Discussion & Conclusion

Registration and Further Information:
For registration please use this google link or write an email to Mr. Amit Shah

Organized together with:
TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH).


Workshop Series TUM Bioengineering: High Tech Materials from Nature - Biomechanics, Modeling, Simulation and Applied Technologies

June 5th, 2014 I 03.00-06.00pm
Theresianum, Arcisstr. 21  I  Hörsaal 1601

In 2014 the IMETUM (Institute of Medical Engineering) organizes a workshop series that promotes the public visibility of the interdisciplinary and cross-faculty field of Bioengineering. The first workshop held in January 2014 gave a more general overview of the activities at the TUM. The second workshop focused on “Minimal Invasive Interventions” with the aim of more and more patient-friendly procedures to reduce pain to a minimum and enabling rapid recovery.
Now we are looking forward to announce the third workshop, which focuses on research in respect to different musculoskeletal tissues and their functionality and is co organized by PD Dr. R. Burgkart (Head of Research, Clinic of Orthopaedics and Sportorthopaedics).

This workshop will address the interdisciplinary approach for a better understanding of “high tech biomaterials” as bone, cartilage, tendon etc. on different scales from the subcellular to the organ level. The common aim is the analysis of biological principles with the potential for identification of design features and finally the translation into technologies. In this context experts from biophysics, engineering, computation and medicine present topics related to musculoskeletal biomaterials including biomechanics, modeling, simulation and applied technologies. Beside new basic research different applications will be demonstrated as advanced medical teaching simulators, innovative diagnostic predictors, preoperative analysing tools, new operative procedures as well as developments for optimized tissue engineering products.


15:00 Introduction and Welcome
         Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Axel Haase
         TUM Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik (IMETUM)

15:10 From Biomechanics to Medical “Flight Simulators”
         PD Dr. med. Rainer Burgkart
         Clinic of Orthopaedics and Sportorthopaedics, Klinikum re. der Isar, TUM

15:30 Cytoskeletal Pattern Formation: Self Organization of Topology
         Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Bausch
         Cell Biophysics, Physics Department, TUM

15:50 Cell-Matrix Interaction
         Prof. Dr. med. Arndt Schilling
         Clinic of Plastic Surgery, Klinikum re. der Isar, TUM

16:10 Non-destructive Testing in Bio, Medical and Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Große
         Centrum Baustoffe und Materialprüfung, Ingenieurfakultät Bau Geo Umwelt,

16:30 Break

16:50 Bone Engineering using Biomaterials and Mechanical Stimulation
  Prof. Dr. Dr. Martijn v. Griensven
         Clinic of Traumatology, Klinikum re. der Isar, TUM

17:10 Computational Bone Mechanics
       Prof. rer. nat. Ernst Rank
         Computation in Engineering, Ingenieurfakultät Bau Geo Umwelt, TUM

17:30 Osteoporosis - Imaging-based Fracture Risk Prediction
  Dr. med. Thomas Baum / PD Dr. med. Jan Bauer
         Institute of Radiology, Klinikum re. der Isar, TUM

17:50 Concluding Remarks

Please register for this event at

Organized together with:
Clinic of Orthopaedics and Sportorthopaedics, Klinikum re. der Isar, TUM and
TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH).


Workshop: „How to design a presentation that rocks!”

Von der überzeugenden Storyline bis zur wirkungsvollen Folie

7. und 8. Mai 2014 / 9:00-12:00 Uhr
TUM Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik (IMETUM), Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching
Seminarraum 1.211
Trainer: Dr. Petra Dorfner, Katharina Lang

Um professionelle Präsentationen zu erstellen, genügt es nicht, "fit in PowerPoint" zu sein. Vielmehr ist die Entwicklung eines zielführenden Konzepts und die Gestaltung einer ansprechenden Präsentation essentiell, um die Aufmerksamkeit der Zuhörer für sich zu gewinnen.

In dem Workshop “How to design a presentation that rocks!” erlernen Sie in zwei Blöcken anhand zahlreicher Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Praxis, die Erwartungen der Zuhörer sicher einzuschätzen, Ihre Botschaft klar zu formulieren sowie Ihre Argumentation strukturiert aufzubauen (z.B. pyramidales Prinzip).

Darüber hinaus zeigen wir Ihnen einfache, aber wirkungsvolle Tipps und Tricks, mit denen Sie Ihre Folien so gestalten können, dass diese auf Anhieb verstanden werden und nicht zuletzt aufgrund eines ansprechenden Designs überzeugen.  Das Training „How to design a presentation that rocks!" richtet sich an Doktoranden und Mitarbeiter der TUM, die mit durchdachten und ansprechenden Präsentationen beeindrucken wollen. Wenn Sie nach dem Training Ihre nächste Präsentation halten, werden Sie sich ins Gedächtnis rufen, dass eine ausgefeilte Storyline nicht nur in Märchen wichtig ist, sondern auch Wissenschaftler unterhalten werden wollen.

Kostenfreie Teilnahme für TUM-Mitglieder
Anmeldung zum Kurs bis 30.04.2014 unter gsish(at)


Workshop Series TUM Biomedical Engineering: Minimal Invasive Interventions

April 11th, 2014 I 03.00-07.00pm
Klinikum rechts der Isar, Hörsaal-Pavillon

***Talks are online now***
In 2014 the IMETUM (TUM Central Institute for Medical Engineering) organizes a workshop series that promotes the public visibility of the interdisciplinary and cross-faculty field of Biomedical Engineering. The first workshop held in January 2014 gave a more general overview of the activities at the TUM.

Now we are looking forward to announce the second workshop focusing on “Minimal Invasive Interventions” that is co organized by Prof. Dr. H. Feußner (Director of the Center for Minimally invasive Interdisciplinary Therapeutical Intervention: MITI). In future, surgeries will ideally be performed using the natural body orifice. Minimal invasive interventions aim a more and more patient-friendly procedure to reduce pain to a minimum and enabling rapid recovery.

For this purpose extremely small, but also flexible multi-functional endoscopes have to be developed. Together with experts from robotics, mechatronics, process control and automation, interdisciplinary teams of surgeons and gastroenterologists are devoted to this highly complex task. Minimally invasive procedures will be revolutionizing surgery in the upcoming decades. The therefore necessary technical and medical developments are presented and dis¬cussed in the workshop.


15:00 Introduction and Welcome
         Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Axel Haase
         TUM Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik (IMETUM)

15:10 Surgery in the Year 2025
         Prof. Dr. med. Hubertus Feußner
         MITI - Minimal-invasive Interdisziplinäre Therapeutische Intervention

15:40 Printable Surgical Robots
         Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tim C. Lüth
         Lehrstuhl für Mikrotechnik und Medizingerätetechnik (MiMed)

16:10 The Potential of a Highly Flexible Telescope for Single-Port Surgery:
         Control Strategies and 3D Environment Perception

         Brian Jensen
         Chair for Robotics and Embedded Systems (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alois C. Knoll)

16:40 Coffee Break

17:00 Haptics and Computer-aided Situation Report of Instruments
         in Minimally Invasive Surgery

         Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Wörn
         Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

17:30 Endoscopy in the Year 2025
         Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Meining
         Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik am Klinikum rechts der Isar der TUM

18:00 Robot Assisted Vitreo-Retinal Surgery
         M. Ali Nasseri
         TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH)

18:20 Healthcare Robotics
         Eva Graf
         TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH)

18:40 Hybrid 3-D Endoscopy – The best of both worlds
         Sven Haase
         TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH)

19:00 Reception

Organized together with:

TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH) and
DFG Forschergruppe FOR1321 „Single-Port Technologie für gastroenterologische und viszeralchirurgische endoskopische Interventionen“.

Please register for this event at gsish(at)
There is no registration fee.


14th Bioinformatics Spring School

Bertinoro, Italy
March 22-26, 2014

The 14th edition of the Spring School of Bioinformatics for Molecular Biologists will be held from 22nd through 26th of March 2014. It is organized by the Institute of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology of the Helmholtz Centre München (IBIS). The course is part of the HMGU Ph.D. programme (Graduate School) but also open to other Ph.D. students and post-graduates.

For further information and the official program of the 14th Bioinformatics Spring School please click here.


Interdisziplinäre Forschung der medizinischen Fakultät mit anderen Fakultäten der TUM 

Eröffnungsveranstaltung der Workshop-Reihe „TUM Biomedical Engineering“
25. Januar 2014 / 9:00 - 13:00 Uhr
TUM Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik, IMETUM Hörsaal / Raumnummer: E.126

Die Gründung der Fakultät für Medizin (1967) an der Technischen Universität München hat die Grundlage geschaffen für die Integration der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Naturwissenschaften und Medizin. Seitdem sind zahlreiche fakultätsübergreifende Zusammenarbeiten entstanden. Das Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik der TUM (IMETUM) hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, diese Kooperationen sichtbar zu machen und weiter zu intensivieren. Das IMETUM wird in einer Reihe von Workshops im Jahre 2014 das Thema Medizintechnik an der TUM vorstellen. 

Die Kooperation zwischen der Medizin und den anderen Fakultäten der TUM ist ein besonderes Anliegen der TUM Emeriti of Excellence (EoE), von denen diese Initiative angeregt wurde. Interdisziplinäre Kooperationen sind die Basis des TUM Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) und der TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH).  Fakultätsübergreifende Forschungen sind der Schlüssel zum Erfolg in den Wissenschaften, aber auch aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Fächerkulturen mit Schwierigkeiten verbunden, die Lösungen erfordern.

EoE, IMETUM, IAS und GSISH laden deshalb zur Eröffnungsveranstaltung der Workshop Reihe  „TUM Biomedical Engineering“ ein, um die interdisziplinäre Kooperation von Medizin  mit den weiteren Fächern der TUM zu präsentieren und zu diskutieren.

Offizieller Programmflyer


UnternehmerTUM's Start-up Evening "Medical Engineering" and Workshop "Spot your Opportunity"

November 25th, 2013  I  5.00-8.00pm
IMETUM Hörsaal E.126, Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching

UnternehmerTUM's Start-up Evenings offer scientists, students and alumni of TUM who are interested in setting up their own business, the opportunity to hear what entrepreneurs have to say about their successful business launches. They report on their experiences and offer tips and encouragement for others considering starting out on their own business ventures.

Under the patronage of GSISH Co-Director Axel Haase the next Start-up Evening with the topic “Innovationen für die Gesundheit – Unternehmerische Chancen in der Medizintechnik” will take place on November 25th, 2013 from 5.00 – 8.00 pm at IMETUM.

Invitation for the Start-up Evening.
Please register for this event here.

December 3th / 4th, 2013  I  4.00-8.00pm
IMETUM Seminar Room 1.211, Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching

You are thinking about setting up your own business? Then also sign up for the Workshop “Spot your Opportunity”, identify possible applications for your technology and develop an understanding of the market.

Online registration for the workshop is opened until November 30th, 2013.


IMETUM-GSISH Workshop: "Team work & leadership competencies in academia and beyond: Youngster – team player – key player"

Dear IMETUM and GSISH Doctoral Candidates,
IMETUM together with the TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH) are hosting a workshop tailored to the needs of their doctoral candidates.
Herewith we cordially invite you to join us for the workshop with the title "Team work & leadership competencies in academia and beyond: Youngster – team player – key player".
Trainer: Anna Royan-Weigelt, GOLIN Wissenschaftsmanagement, Hamburg
Date:     Friday, July 12th 2013 / 9.00am – 5.00pm
Venue:  IMETUM, Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching, Konferenzraum 1.211

The workshop will be held in English. The costs for the workshop will be taken over by IMETUM and GSISH. GSISH Members will receive credits for their participation in this workshop.

For an overview of the workshop program please click here.

For registration please send an e-mail to katharina.lang(at) until Wednesday, June 12th at the latest. Please make sure this e-mail includes your full name as well as your research discipline.

The seats are limited - first come, first served!

GSISH Management Team

Kick-Off Seminar for JHU Students

June 3rd, 2013 / 10.30am - noon
IMETUM Seminar Room

Dear GSISH Members, Faculty and Friends,

against the background of a collaborative proposal written by the Whiting School of Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA) together with the TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH), which was accepted two years ago, the American National Science Foundation (NSF) will support an continuous international student exchange between the TUM-GSISH and the JHU. This is a very good continuation of an already ongoing cooperation, which enables us to deepen our collaboration.

To officially welcome 2013´s exchange students from JHU we cordially want to invite you today to join us for a Kick-Off Seminar, which will take place

on June 3rd, 2013
from 10.30am-noon
at the IMETUM Seminar Room (room no. 1.211),
Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching b. München.

For the Agenda of the Kick-Off Seminar please click here.

The idea of the Kick-Off Event is that the students get insights to different TUM Chairs they´ll work at as well as to other doctoral candidates.

Therefore we cordially invite you all to attend and to give them a warm welcome!

After the Seminar we will have lunch and an informal get together. We would be pleased to also welcome you for this!

If you have any questions in advance, please feel free to contact us anytime. Otherwise we are already looking forward to seeing you on June 3rd!

GSISH Management Team


GSISH-IMETUM Lecture by Dr. S. Biersdorf/McKinsey

January 16th, 2013 / 17:00ct
IMETUM Lecture Hall, Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching

We want to draw your attention to a very interesting lecture, with which we will start the year 2013:

        GSISH-IMETUM Lecture by Dr. Stefan Biesdorf, McKinsey on
"Following the money – managing healthcare expenditures in Germany"

The healthcare expenditures in Germany’s public payor system added up to EUR 176 mio in 2010. Compared to 2000, this is an increase of overall 32%. Traditionally healthcare expenditures face cost increases which above GDP growth, i.e., the overall share of healthcare cost increases over time. While in Germany the spent level is at 11%, the US has reached a level of above 16%.

Which levers do public payors in Germany have to fight overproportional cost increases? There are 3 “classes” of levers: (1) As of now, payors can influence spend levels by better “managing” health expenditures and there are multiple levers across all care settings. However, an even better lever is the (2) negotiation of favourable contracts between payors and providers. In this area payors can step up and built upon existing insights derived from the vaste amount of data the own or they have access to. And there is a (3) the positive impact of regulation by the MoH: initiatives like the GMG had significant consequences for the overall development of healthcare expenditures in Germany.

We are looking forward to seeing you.
Your GSISH Management Team

To view the flyer of the event please click here.


GSISH Kick-Off Seminar for JHU Students

Dear GSISH Members, Faculty and Friends,

against the background of a collaborative proposal written by the Whiting School of Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA) together with the TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH), which was accepted last year, the American National Science Foundation (NSF) will support an continuous international student exchange between the TUM-GSISH and the JHU. This is a very good start for an already ongoing cooperation, which enables us to deepen our collaboration.
To officially welcome the first four exchange students from JHU we cordially want to invite you today to join us for a Kick-Off Seminar, which will take place

on June 5th, 2012
from 10.30am-12.00pm
at the IMETUM Seminar Room (room no. 1.211)

The idea of the Kick-Off Event is that the students get insights to different TUM Chairs they´ll work at as well as to other doctoral candidates.
Therefore we cordially invite you all to attend and to give them a warm welcome!

After the Seminar we will have lunch and an informal get together. We would be pleased to also welcome you for this!

If you have any questions in advance, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Otherwise we are already looking forward to seeing you on June 5th!

GSISH Management Team

PROGRAM of the Kick-Off Seminar


TUM and Germany in a Nutshell

May 15th, 2012
3.00 - 5.00 pm
TUM Graduate School

The TUM Graduate School offers you an informative introduction to TUM and Germany as a whole. You will have the opportunity to request information regarding TUM, application formalities, health insurance, or any other everyday queries you may have, as our consultant for doctoral candidates will also be present. This workshop aims to introduce you to German culture standards and to understand them in the historical and political context. You will get information on how to communicate and cooperate with German colleagues and mentors. Furthermore you will learn about the culture shock and how to deal with it. After the workshop you will hopefully feel more comfortable in intercultural situations. We will work with cultural simulations, case studies, Trainer presentations and exercises.

For registration please click here.


3rd GSISH Colloquium on Biomedical Imaging
chaired by Prof. Pfeiffer

Dear Doctoral Candidates and Supervisors of the GSISH, who are working on imaging,

due to the high demand of the GSISH doctoral candidates working on Biomedical Imaging to discuss their progress with other experts, GSISH has decided to organize a colloquia series and would like to invite you to participate in the 3rd colloquium for all GSISH doctoral candidates working on biomedical imaging. The goal of this third GSISH colloquium is to bring people from different areas together, give the doctoral candidates the opportunity to present their work  and also to discuss it with the attending supervisors and wider audience.

The 3rd GSISH Colloquium on Biomedical Imaging chaired by Prof. Pfeiffer is going to take place

on Friday, April 13th

the IMETUM Hörsaal, Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching b. München

As there are quite many of you, and we want to give you all the opportunity to present your work, we have blocked the entire day for this event.

If you do have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. We are already looking forward to seeing you on April, 13th!


Second GMSI-GSISH Winter School 2012

The TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH) together with the Global Center of Excellence for Mechanical Systems Innovation (GMSI) of the University of Tokyo (UT) will hold the second collaborate winter school for doctoral candidates from biomedical engineering, biomedical informatics, and related fields. The school aims at providing the participants with the newest insights in research on biomedical engineering, as well as establishing international networks among junior researchers.

Main topics to be discussed include:

  • Biomedical Image and Signal Processing
  • Computing and Simulation for biomedical applications
  • Computer Integrated Surgery
    (Navigation, Registration, Image-guided intervention, etc.)
  • Medical Robotics and Devices

The call for participation is closed now.


2nd GSISH Colloquium chaired by Prof. Knoll

Prof. Knoll cordially invites all GSISH doctoral candidates who are supervised or co-supervised by him to present their current work at the Second GSISH Colloquium held at Fakultätsraum der Informatik, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching.

The Colloquium is going to take place
on      Wednesday Feb. 29th, 2012
from   4.00pm – 7.30pm

at       Seminarraum der Informatik (room no.: 03.07.023)
Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching b. München

Everybody of you should give a brief presentation (ppt; demos are also highly welcome) about her/his current state of research which will then be discussed with the wider audience (about 8-10 min presentation and 5-6 min discussion). You will present in couples and each couple is responsible to introduce his/her partner and lead the discussion after the presentation.

We are already excited to learn about your current state of research!

Second GMSI-GSISH Winter School 2012

Call for Participation

The TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH) together with the Global Center of Excellence for Mechanical Systems Innovation (GMSI) of the University of Tokyo (UT) will hold the second collaborate winter school for doctoral candidates from biomedical engineering, biomedical informatics, and related fields. The school aims at providing the participants with the newest insights in research on biomedical engineering, as well as establishing international networks among junior researchers.

Main topics to be discussed include:

  • Biomedical Image and Signal Processing
  • Computing and Simulation for biomedical applications
  • Computer Integrated Surgery
    (Navigation, Registration, Image-guided intervention, etc.)
  • Medical Robotics and Devices

The call for participation is closed now. Information about the scientific program can be found at


2nd GSISH Colloqium on Biomedical Imaging on October 14th, 2011

Due to the high demand of the GSISH Doctoral Candidates working on Biomedical Imaging to discuss their progress with other experts, GSISH has decided to organize a colloquia series and would like to invite you to participate at the 2nd Colloquium for all GSISH Doctoral Candidates working on Biomedical Imaging. Those of you who are interested in this theme are also more than welcome to join us!

The organizing committee of this second GSISH colloquium on Biomedical Imaging (which will be headed by Prof. Navab and Prof. Ziegler), has already invited a selected number of medical experts to discuss their current work with all of you and soon you will get an invitation to present your work. 

The colloquium is going to take place on Friday, October 14th at Hörsaal D,
Klinikum Rechts der Isar, from 9am to 6pm.

To view the program please click here.


GSISH Workshop "Career Planning for PhD Students"

Date:     Wednesday, July 27th 2011 / 8am - 4pm
IMETUM, Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching, Konferenzraum 1.211

The TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH) together with the SFB 824 is presenting a workshop with the title "Career planning for PhD Students in medicine, medical informatics and medical engineering: Application standards - personal strategies".

Trainer: Dr. Simon Golin, GOLIN Wissenschaftsmanagement, Hamburg

An occupation in research and teaching, a career in the economic or service sector or in a non-profit organisation - after the doctorate there are numerous career paths open.
Because of this, strategic career planning is necessary. A series of important questions has to be answered: What are my goals and interests, what are my strengths and weaknesses? Where can I apply? Do I know what is expected of me and how to deal with that? On the basis of these questions the current application standards are conveyed and individual application strategies are worked out. With the help of selected examples from practice, the participants develop the competencies needed for a successful approach to the application process.

The workshop deals in particular with the following topics:

>> Alma mater forever?
     Possibilities within and outside academia

>> My profile:
     Stocktaking of my key skills

>> Before the application:
     Strategies & stumbling blocks

>> Application dossier:
     Current standards

>> The interview:
     From individual interview to assessment centre

>> Role-play:
     Application situations

>> Career planning:
     My next steps

For registration please send an e-mail to katharina.lang(at)
The seats are limited - first come, first served!


1st GSISH Colloquium on Biomedical Imaging chaired by Prof. Axel Haase

Date:     Friday, July 15th 2011 at 9am
  IMETUM/Hörsaal, Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching

Dear Doctoral Candidates and Supervisors of the GSISH, who are working on Imaging,

as the discussion group on Biomedical Imaging at the last GSISH Symposium was quite successful and the time was seen as much too short by many of you to discuss all open questions and ideas, we decided to organize a follow-up colloquium for all GSISH doctoral candidates working on biomedical imaging.

Therefore, we want to invite you to present your current work at the first GSISH Colloquium on Biomedical Imaging, which will be chaired by Prof. Haase at the IMETUM/Hörsaal.
The colloquium will start on  Friday, July 15th at 9am.

As there are quite many of you, and we want to give you all the opportunity to present your work, we have blocked the entire day for this event.

We already look forward to seeing you all at the IMETUM on July 15th!
If you have any questions about this event please do not hesitate to contact us.


Industry Tours at the 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endoskopie und Bildgebende Verfahren (DGE-BV)

In the name of our GSISH faculty member Prof. Dr. H. Feußner (President of the DGE-BV) we cordially invite you to join us for conference tours and industry visits organized specially by GSISH and Prof. Feußner at the 41st Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endoskopie und Bildgebende Verfahren, to be held in good tradition at The Westin Grand München Arabellapark.

The theme of the Congress is "Synergie durch Interdisziplinarität" - a theme that is reflected in the logo of the Congress and emphasizes that mutual coordination and cooperation are needed in all interventional branches of medicine.
GSISH doctoral candidates will get the unique chance to listen to innovative conference talks, experience medical needs and get in personal contact with high leading industry representatives.

For more information about the Program for GSISH-Members and to look through the index of exhibitors please click here.

Date:     March 17th-19th, 2011
Venue:  The Westin Grand München Arabellapark, Munich

This event offers you the chance to get in contact with high leading medical technology firms and in return will help us to introduce the GSISH to a wider audience.
We highly encourage you in taking part in the conference and the lab tours.


GSISH-GMSI Summer School 2010

The TUM Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH) together with the Global Center of Excellence for Mechanical Systems Innovation (GMSI) of the University of Tokyo (UT) will hold the first collaborate summer school for doctoral candidates from biomedical engineering, biomedical informatics, and related fields. The school aims at providing the participants with the newest insights in research on biomedical engineering, as well as establishing international networks among junior researchers. Main topics to be discussed include:

  • Biomedical Imaging
  • Image and Signal Processing
  • Computing and Simulation
  • Computer Integrated Surgery
  • Medical Robotics
  • Medical Devices

GMSI and GSISH cordially invite their doctoral candidates as well as outstanding candidates related to their institutions to join the summer school.

For further information and registration please follow the link and download call-for-participation document.

To visit the "GSISH-GMSI Summer School 2010" homepage click here

TUM Graduate School - June 2010 Course Offerings

Dear doctoral candidates,
please find more information about the transferable skill course offerings for June 2010 by WIMES, Carl-von-Linde Akademie, TUM ForTe and TUM Graduate School here. Please register directly at the respective institution or as indicated!

Invitation to the co-join GSISH-CAMP Colloqium

Prof. Nicholas Ayache (INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France) will give a talk at the Faculty of Informatics / Technische Universität München on Thursday, October 7th  2010 at 15:00 in room MI 03.13.010 FMI building, Boltzmannstr. 3, Garching.

Title: "From Medical Images to Personalized Digital Physiological Patients"

GSISH field trip to MITI

The second GSISH field trip will take place at the MITI, which ist hosted by GSISH faculty member Prof. Feußner. MITI is an interdisciplinary research group, which deals with the development of innovative diagnostic procedures and therapeutic solution concepts for minimally invasive surgery. The event is currently scheduled

ON Wednesday, 30. June 2010

AT 9am

AT the MITI lab, Trogerstraße 26

Attendance by registration only.

TUM Graduate School - Registration for May Kick-off Seminar online NOW!

Dear doctoral candidates,
The registration for the May/ June Kick-off seminar is online from now on. For further information and the description of the courses click here.
Please register here.

"Field Trip" to German Heart Center

From now on the GSISH will offer field trips to its many participating organizations in order to see what facilites we actually have at our campuses. The next trip will take place on Thurday afternoon at the German Heart Center, to which you are cordially invited by Prof. Robert Bauernschmitt (Deputy Director, German Heart Center) and Prof. Knoll (GSISH director). In case you are interested to join, concact

4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2010

On the 22-25 of March in Campus Garching, Technische Universitat Munchen, will be held the 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2010. The Pervasive Healthcare conference aims to gather together technology experts, practitioners, industry and national authorities contributing towards the development and application of human-centered pervasive and ubiquitous computing technology for healthcare and wellness.

To learn more about the 4th International Conference click here.


PhD symposium "<interact> 2010"

The one-day PhD symposium "<interact> 2010" will take place on Tuesday, the 23rd of March 2010 at the main building of the Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität (LMU). Presentations and posters of PhD students will be the main focus of the symposium, serving as a platform for interdisciplinary discussion. The symposium is open to participants from all areas of life science interested in presenting their work to a broad scientific audience. All contributions are structured into blocks of topics by a pre-selection process of posters and talks. The two renowned keynote speakers Susan Lindquist and Paolo Sassone-Corsi will provide the framework for the symposium.

To learn more about the PhD symposium "<interact> 2010" click here.


10th Course in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology for Molecular Biologists. Schloß Hohenkammer

Course: Prof. Dr. H.Werner Mewes, Prof. Dmitrij Frishman, Prof. Lars Juhl Jensen, Dr. Robert Küffner, Prof. Dr. Thomas Rattei, Dr. Matthias Scherf, Prof. Dr. K. Suhre, Prof. Dr. Dr. Fabian Theis, Dr. Gunnar Rätsch, Benedikt Wachinger, Dominik Wittmann, Dr. Volker Stümpflen, Prof. Dr. Ralf Zimmer

The 10th edition of the Spring School of Bioinformatics for Molecular Biologists will be held from 14th through 17th of March 2010. It is organized by the Institute of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology of the Helmholtz Centre München (IBIS). The course is part of the HMGU Ph.D. programme (Graduate School) but open to other Ph.D. students and post-graduates. It is also part of the Helmholtz Alliance in Systems Biology.

To learn more about this course click here.


TUM Graduate School Kick-Off Seminar

From the 9th to the 12th of March 2010 the TUM Graduate School again invites 100 doctoral candidates to come together at Frauenchiemsee. 

Awaiting you are four exiting work days amidst one of the most beautiful landscapes of Bavaria. You are invited, along with other TUM doctoral candidates, to discuss current scientific and research topics as well as to enhance and develop new perspectives on your dissertation. Together with experienced coaches and committed guests, in lectures, workshops and convivial evening activities, you can acquire new ideas and advance your personal network.

More information you can find on this website.
Please follow this link to register online from 25 January 2010.


SFB 824 and GSISH

We invite you to two presentations organized by the SFB 842 in december:

1. The lecture of Prof. Dr. Schellenberger "New nano-particles for Magnetic Resonance Imaging" on the December 10th at 17.00 in the Hörsaal Pavilion at the Klinikum rechts der Isar.

For more Information about the lecture of Dr. Schellenberger click here.

2. The lecture of Prof. Dr. Henne-Bruns "Universitäre Karrieren in Deutschland - Ist die Chancengleichheit bereits realisiert?" on December 14th at 17.00 in the Hörsaal Pavilion at the Klinikum rechts der Isar.

For more Information about the lecture of Prof. Dr. Henne-Bruns click here.


Kick off meeting Abbey Frauenwörth

On 24-27 November 2009 the first kick-off meeting of the new established TUM Graduate School takes place at the benedictine abbey of Frauenwörth, Frauenchiemsee. Eight high-value seminars will be offered from following available blocks: research methods, scientific working and self-development.

For more information about the kick-off meeting click here:


3rd IGSSE FORUM 2009

GSISH students participated at the IGSSE Symposium, which took place on June 19th at the 3rd IGSSE Forum 2009. For further information and registration go to 3rd IGSSE FORUM 2009